Motion Correction: trying to read image with empty file name

Issue #59 resolved
Matthew Cahn created an issue

I'm attempting to create the job submission scripts for our SLURM queueing system. (I'm a sysadmin). The job submission seems fine, but I can't get motion correction to run.

I'm running RELION-3.0-beta-2, downloaded Jan. 25th, 2019.

When I run motion correction using RELION's implementation, I get the following error:

in: /tigress/MOLBIO/local/src/relion3.0-beta2c-arch60/src/image.h, line 409
=== Backtrace  ===
/tigress/MOLBIO/local/relion-3.0beta2c-intel-18-arch60/bin/relion_run_motioncorr_mpi() [0x41b329]
ERROR: trying to read image with empty file name!

I've borrowed six stack_xxxx.mrc files from a researcher and placed them in a directory, for example:


and started RELION in the working_dir directory. Then I imported Micrographs/*mrc, which created this file:

more Import/job001/

and in the Motion Correction I/O tab, I set the input to that file:

Input movies STAR file: Import/job001/

I'm not clear on whether this is my error, or an error in the data, or a bug in RELION. Any help would be appreciated.

Matthew Cahn Dept. of Molecular Biology, Princeton University

Comments (3)

  1. Takanori Nakane

    I assume that your input is a movie, not a micrograph, because you wanted to run motion correction. Then you have to choose 2D micrograph movies as Node type in the Import job. Now the generated STAR file should contain rlnMicrographMovieName instead of rlnMicrographName.

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