Parse Error On Initial Connection To Firebase/Google Cloud Messenger

Issue #119 closed
Trucked Operations created an issue

I'm receiving this parse error as soon as a connection to Firebase / Google Cloud Message Service has been attempted. I'm not sure if the error stems from not invoking the proper build methods or there's an error in using the SSLContext.

OUT: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><stream:stream xml:lang="en-US" to="" version="1.0" xmlns="jabber:client" xmlns:stream="">
Connection issue: rocks.xmpp.core.XmppException: ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1]
Message: Content is not allowed in prolog.

Comments (4)

  1. Christian Schudt repo owner

    From the documentation: You must initiate a Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection. Note that CCS doesn't currently support the STARTTLS extension. By default this library uses StartTLS (as per the XMPP spec). Try creating a TcpConnectionConfiguration with a SSLSocketFactory set, which uses your SSLContext. It should then connect directly with SSL.

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