Unable to create extension with nested type.

Issue #120 closed
Former user created an issue

I am trying to write an extension for the following XML.

<call xmlns='voiceaxis:state' id='1'><extension pbx_id='40277'/></call>

The outer <call> object works fine as an extension, but if I add a nested xml/java type for extension, (using an XmlJavaAdapter) the adapter never gets called.

I suspect that there may be an error when dealing with tags like <element/> rather than <element></element>

Comments (7)

  1. Shahed Moolji Account Deactivated

    Some further info :- My type adapter does get called, but the String value to unmarshal is empty.

    While this may make sense, the issue is that I cannot get the attributes of the <extension> tag.

    The outer <call> tag is similarly empty, but it is of the form <call></call>, and for this element, JAXB does marshall the xml to java correctly.

  2. Christian Schudt repo owner

    This is more of a general JAXB question. Have you tried adding a namespace declaration for each @XmlElement and each @XmlAttribute? It's not sufficient to only put in the @XmlRootElement.

    Alternatively, create a package-info.java. This is what I'd prefer.

  3. Shahed Moolji Account Deactivated

    Yes, but not a package-info.java .. will try that as well.

    On another note, is it not possible for the API to simply return the "original" events as a String ?

    If I don't want to use extensions I need to type cast the payload of an event/item to an XML Node and then use low level API calls to get to its attributes. It would be nice if there was a way to get it back as a string.

  4. Christian Schudt repo owner

    Great! Getting the XML as String back is not quite that easy, I see no way actually. It's all built upon JAXB, so you really have to use Marshaller for a String representation.

    If you don't use your extension, JAXB unmarshalls unknown XML as org.dom.Element, where you could use low-level API, but I guess you won't need it.

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