Context classes with Collection elements not unmarshalled

Issue #37 closed
Gary U created an issue

Blabber: 0.5.0 JAXB: 2.2.3 (jaxb-api) Lombok: 1.16.2

I have found that registered Context classes with Collections members do not unmarshall from XML correctly. The example code is not that dissimilar from the actual code ...

-- Context Class --

@NoArgsConstructor @Getter @XmlRootElement(name = "example", namespace = "org.example") @XmlAccessType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) public class Example { @XmlElementWrapper(name = "items") @XmlElement(name = "item") protected List<String> items; }

-- XmppSessionConfiguration -- ... .context(new CoreContext(Example.class); ...

-- XmppSession -- ... session.addInboundMessageListener(new MessageListener() { @Override public void handleMessage(MessageEvent e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage().getExtension(Example.class)); } } ...

When the Message.class is unmarshalled from XML the items are not. Having registered the debugger I can see the following with an empty <items> collection:

IN: <message from="x" to="y" type="headline"><example xmlns="org.example"><items></items></example></message>

But, when I comment out the context class and rerun the same test I see in the debugging output:

IN: <message from="x" to="y" type="headline"><example xmlns="org.example"><items><item>apple</item><item>banana</item><item>carrot</item></items></example></message>

I have tried two POM dependencies firstly javax.xml.bind (2.2.3) and then com.fasterxml.jackson.core (2.5.1) with the same results. Given the fact that Babbler uses JAXB at its core I would have thought this would had worked?

Comments (6)

  1. Gary U reporter

    Forget to mention that when I try and query the instance of Message class the items is NULL.

  2. Christian Schudt repo owner

    It could possibly be that you have to set the namespace more aggressively, e.g. in more than just the root annotation, e.g.: @XmlElementWrapper(name = "items", namespace = "org.example")

    Alternatively you could also try to add a and set the namespace there (many examples are in the source code).

  3. Gary U reporter

    Thanks Christian for your suggestions. Unfortunately neither worked. I tried removing the namespace to see if it was being too aggressive. Whilst the <items> are displayed in the debugger OUT the context class is no longer Example.class but "class" instead. This means that when I try and get the instance of Example it is NULL.

  4. Gary U reporter

    Hello Christian. Yes, it is in the CoreContext. I revisited your suggestion of using package-info and managed to get it working. Just needed to add elementFormDefault attribute of QUALIFIED.

    @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlSchema(namespace = "org.example", elementFormDefault = XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED) package org.example.messages;

    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema;

    Many thanks for your support :-)

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