Pushing down byte[] into XmlAdapter?

Issue #38 wontfix
Markus KARG created an issue

I noticed that AvatarManager is natively dealin with byte[], which is a bit awkward, as it mixes up the logic behind avatars (level 7) with the technology needed to hold the bits (level 6). I wonder whether it might make more sense to push down the transformation from java.awt.Image to byte[] and vice versa into an XmlAdapter<Image, byte[]> to have clear separation of concerns?

Comments (3)

  1. Christian Schudt repo owner

    This is not possible because we have to have the byte[] available for building the hash and compare it with the provided hash. If we have an Image instead and use ImagIO to create a byte[] again (for hash comparison), it's most likely not the same byte[] as originally provided and therefore messes up the logic, e.g. an avatar would be downloaded again, althought it's in the cache.

  2. Christian Schudt repo owner

    In this case the publisher and receive both use Java's ImageIO, so the byte[] is probably the same. But I had the case when downloading an image, converting it to Image and then converting it back to byte[]. The original byte[] differed from the converted one, so the hash didn't match anymore.

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