rocks.xmpp.extensions.caps.EntityCapabilitiesManager logging

Issue #42 closed
Geoffrey Knauth created an issue

rocks.xmpp.extensions.caps.EntityCapabilitiesManager is dumping WARNING messages to my console, like:

Jun 08, 2015 9:10:11 PM rocks.xmpp.extensions.caps.EntityCapabilitiesManager$7 run
WARNING: Failed to discover information for entity '' for node 'http://...'

I would really like to redirect these messages to a DailyRollingFileAppender I already have for my own log4j logging, but I haven't figured out the correct log4j.xml incantation to make that happen. Does anyone have any suggestions other than "read the log4j docs?" I've been doing that and tinkering with settings, but nothing has helped so far.

Comments (6)

  1. Geoffrey Knauth reporter

    Thanks for the response. I'm not looking for java.util.logging to log4j, I'm already using log4j and am trying to move your log4j messages from console to a logger I control.

  2. Geoffrey Knauth reporter

    Sorry I didn't see your most recent message until today, but it was right on target. This is what I wrote on SO this morning:

    It turns out Babbler was using java.util.logging. I upgraded my own logging from Log4J 1.2.17 to Log4J2 2.3, and then used the JUL bridge to capture and redirect the logging output from Babbler to Log4J2 RollingFile appender.

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