Let me give a reason for removing myself from an event

Issue #13 resolved
Caspar Krieger created an issue

/event remove me from my event because I have a team lunch I forgot about

Comments (11)

  1. Michael Berman repo owner

    What's the value in that? Just to keep everything in one message? The bot would just ignore it right?

  2. Caspar Krieger Account Deactivated reporter

    Yep, would completely ignore it. Just keeps it on one line, like you said.

  3. Caspar Krieger Account Deactivated reporter

    Well, I suppose it could echo back the reason for the person being removed, but not necessary.

  4. Michael Berman repo owner

    Perhaps I could instead have a global way of doing that. E.g. anything after a full stop is ignored? That said, I'm not convinced it's worth doing (because then the EOM character wouldn't be able to be included in event names, etc.)

  5. Caspar Krieger Account Deactivated reporter

    You could probably just drop characters (or words + word boundary chars like commas, semicolons, etc) from the end of the string until the final chars are a valid event name. Not like you have to worry about scaling to 100+ event names ;)

  6. Michael Berman repo owner

    It'd be heaps nicer to implement it globally (before the message string is sent to the command) rather than do it command by command.

  7. Caspar Krieger Account Deactivated reporter

    Fair enough. Well, I doubt , . or ( or | are going to appear in event names or mention names naturally, so those would be reasonable EOMs. Or // :P

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