Event list should show attendees by default

Issue #20 resolved
Andrew S created an issue

The /event command gives you a list like this:

Upcoming Events:
    •   Dominionation at 12:30pm (5 attending)
    •   Metro at 12:30pm (5/5 attending)
    •   Battlestar Galactica: Maybe Pegasus at 5:30pm Fri Jun 13th 2014 (4/6 attending)

This is not so useful, as I have to query the events one by one to see who is attending each one. It would be better if the list was formatted like this:

Upcoming Events:
    •   Dominionation at 12:30pm (5 attending)
                * @Bob, @Mary, @Alice, @Peggy, @Andrew
    •   Metro at 12:30pm (5/5 attending)
                * blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
    •   Battlestar Galactica: Maybe Pegasus at 5:30pm Fri Jun 13th 2014 (40/60 attending)
                * @Bob, @Mary, @Alice, @Peggy, @Andrew and 36 more

Comments (3)

  1. Andrew S Account Deactivated reporter

    Maybe you could highlight the events to which the current user has signed up, either by bolding their name or the event (in case they are one of the "36 more" whose names are not shown).

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