Events need a concept of categorisation/tagging to pave the way for advanced features.

Issue #22 resolved
Shaun Esther created an issue

Events should either be intelligently auto-tagged or created from a template (that can also be created for new kinds of events).

For example if an event for Dominion is created every day, there should be a template for creating the event, or a tag should be specified.

This allows for features such as:

  • Notify user when a particular kind of event is created: Laksa, Dominion, Photoshoot etc.
  • Suggest to the event creator what users may be interested in the event.
  • Prevent or identify duplicates, which allows some load balancing in the event of two simultaneous limited size events.
  • Default places/spots allocation. (Dominion almost always has a 4 spots).
  • Track statistics and other fun stuff.

Comments (4)

  1. Michael Berman repo owner

    You're mad. But in a clever kind of way.

    I think a drawback with a lot of this is it could get a tad spammy - every user setting their own config options (notify me whenever there's Laksa, etc) in every room would get super noisy.

    I'm not aware of any way to authenticate a user on a webapp, so config settings would all have to be set by the room admin. Which, of course, would be kinda terrible.

    Got any good ideas of how I could tackle this?

  2. Shaun Esther Account Deactivated reporter

    It would be something to the tune of a list of mentions to spam when a particular category is used to create an event.

    This could be configured across rooms, so you could make a room for configuring the hipchat bot. (adding/removing yourself etc.)

  3. Michael Berman repo owner

    Hrmm, at the moment each room is effectively sandboxed. I kinda like it that way too - it makes for super easy setup, and it allows room admins to be the boss.

    It's certainly technically possible to have an EventBot config room, I'm just not sure if I like the idea. I'll think about it... Or maybe I'll put it to a vote...

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