Add batching for commands

Issue #9 resolved
Katrina Walser created an issue

At the very least it'd be good to be able to add multiple people to an event in one command.

Comments (4)

  1. Michael Berman repo owner

    I will add the ability to comma separate users' @mention names in add & remove commands.

  2. Michael Berman repo owner

    Supported syntaxes: * /event add me and @test_user to party * /event add me, @test_user, @test_user_2 to party * /event add @test_user, me, and @test_user_2 to party

    The Oxford Comma is optional.

  3. Michael Berman repo owner

    FYI, there is now proper command batching as well. E.g.:

    /event create party at 4pm | add @akdominguez to party

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