SDRSharp Plugin crash "OutOfMemoryException"

Issue #29 closed
Xolod created an issue

SDRSharp crash when enable ScytaleC plugin(1.0.2,7 version ). Checked on 3 system: Windows 10(16299.665) 32bit with 2Gig RAM SDRSharp 1672, Windows 10 64Bit 8Gig RAM Windows 10 64Bit 16Gig RAM SDRSharp 1637

Crash.txt: Exception of type "System.OutOfMemoryException". at SDRSharp.Radio.dll.FilterBuilder.MakeWindow (IL offset: 0x0) at SDRSharp.Radio.dll.FilterBuilder.MakeLowPassKernel (IL offset: 0x0) at SDRSharp.Radio.dll.Resampler..ctor (IL offset: 0x53) at SDRSharp.ScytaleC.dll.SampleProcessor.IQProcessor_IQReady (IL offset: 0x3d) at SDRSharp.ScytaleC.dll.IQProcessor.Process (IL offset: 0x18) at SDRSharp.Radio.dll.HookManager.ProcessHooks (IL offset: 0x1e) at SDRSharp.Radio.dll.Vfo.ProcessBuffer (IL offset: 0x6e) at SDRSharp.exe.MainForm.ProcessBuffer (IL offset: 0x57) at SDRSharp.Radio.dll.StreamControl.ProcessIQ (IL offset: 0x18) at SDRSharp.Radio.dll.StreamControl.DSPProc (IL offset: 0x5b) at mscorlib.dll.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (IL offset: 0x14) at mscorlib.dll.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (IL offset: 0x79) at mscorlib.dll.ExecutionContext.Run (IL offset: 0x0) at mscorlib.dll.ExecutionContext.Run (IL offset: 0x2b) at mscorlib.dll.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart (IL offset: 0x8)

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