User report: 10-15 seconds hang when opening subspecies lists

Issue #112 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

Original issue 112 created by adam_winer on 2013-08-16T03:41:34.000Z:

A user reports having a significant hang when selecting subspecies in species with many subspecies (e.g. Collared Kingfisher).

Comments (3)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    Comment #1 originally posted by adam_winer on 2013-08-16T15:34:19.000Z:

    This may only happen when entering especially long list (per user, it doesn't happen on a new list). Which is still a problem, but not quite so severe, so lowering priority.

  2. Adam Winer reporter

    Comment #2 originally posted by adam_winer on 2013-08-18T06:50:00.000Z:

    Attempted to reproduce by synthesizing 1000-long species lists, then adding Collared Kingfisher. No luck.

  3. Adam Winer reporter

    Comment #3 originally posted by adam_winer on 2013-08-25T19:19:28.000Z:

    Fixed in 9.3.0. This was painful interaction between Quaqua and Java 7 - "solved" by disabling Quaqua altogether on Java 7.

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