delete incorrect or duplicate entries

Issue #118 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

Original issue 118 created by adam_winer on 2013-10-03T01:57:14.000Z:

I have many accidental duplicate entries. In other words, I might forget that I have already entered a bird sighting and enter it twice. Is there a way to search for and delete duplicate entries?

Comments (4)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    Comment #1 originally posted by adam_winer on 2013-10-03T20:26:50.000Z:

    There isn't such a way - this is, in fact, really tedious to cleanup right now if you make this mistake.

    How precisely duplicated are your entries? Exact same species and date, same species, date, and location? I'm wondering how fuzzy I'd have to consider the notion of "duplicate".

    I think the first useful point to do is to warn a user when it looks like they're entering duplicate entires? (Fixing the problem is nice, making sure you don't have the problem in the first place is better).

  2. Adam Winer reporter

    Comment #2 originally posted by adam_winer on 2013-10-03T20:44:45.000Z:

    I'm using the program for my life list rather than a list of all sightings, so I definitely do not want duplicates. I was transferring my pencil and paper life list, and had duplicates in that list from having forgotten that I had already spotted a species. The other type of duplication I have in scythebill comes from just forgetting where I had left off, and entering a species and sighting (same date, same place) twice. It would be nice if you could search for duplicates and also if you could delete entries. I exported to excel, but unfortunately the file is not compatible with my computer and when I made corrections, I was unable to save them. I have not tried exporting to ebird. Maybe I can make corrections there.

  3. Adam Winer reporter

    Scythebill is much, much better these days at preventing duplicates. No plans to implement "find and eliminate duplicates".

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