Support user-entered checklists

Issue #131 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

Original issue 131 created by adam_winer on 2013-11-24T18:32:44.000Z:

Necessary for counties, etc.

It'd also be really nice to generate checklists that don't tie to a specific location - or maybe belong to a location, but just as a subset - so you could have a checklist specific to an upcoming trip. But this feels like something that might belong in a Trip feature? (Define a trip before you leave, print out a checklist, then come back and enter?)

Comments (1)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    Comment #1 originally posted by adam_winer on 2014-02-09T01:23:07.000Z:

    The first half is implemented - but it's only supported for specific locations. There's no way to build a checklist independent of a location (other than defining bogus locations). That said, going to mark as fixed; should a trips feature ever be built, I'll consider this part of it - but I suspect it'd be overkill for a large majority of trips.

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