Support faster entry of prioritized fields

Issue #160 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

Original issue 160 created by adam_winer on 2014-05-15T22:45:11.000Z:

From Thor V.:

" I typically enter the number of individuals (or an estimate) into my notebooks. It would be great if you could choose to add other ‘standard’ features to each species entry. For example after you have your species entered, hit <Enter>, with <Tab> you can go to a user defined next entry (e.g. number of individuals, male/female/heard only), enter number, hit <Enter>. At all time hitting the <Enter> twice records the sighting (with or without extra info)."

Comments (2)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    I now have some very fast support for entering numbers, male, female, immature, heard-only, and photographed.

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