What am I doing wrong?

Issue #204 closed
Jim Gaines created an issue

I just started using (the newest version with photos). I click on "Enter Sighting" and it takes me to a page with the time, date and location. It then says this is a new location -describe on next page. I go to next page and describe the location. It then only allows me to go back to the previous page and I am caught in a circle between the two pages. What am I doing wrong?

Comments (3)

  1. Jim Gaines reporter

    What am I missing? I have read the manual and I can't figure out why it won't let me enter my bird sighting.

  2. Adam Winer

    The problem's certainly on the page where you're "describing the location". What you have to do is place that new location inside a location that Scythebill already knows about (and Scythebill comes with all the countries and states in the world, and all US and UK counties, so there's plenty of such) - or one that you've told it about (but since this is your first sighting, there won't be any custom locations yet). That involves typing an abbreviation for a state (or country county) into the "Start typing a location" field, and explicitly selecting it (with Enter or double-clicking) from the popup.

    I'd thought the text is reasonably clear at:


    ... but obviously not! Do let me know, if you can, what information was missing from the manual.

    I believe you're the second person to get confused by this screen, so it clearly needs some work. I'll definitely tweak some of the interface and add explanatory text in ways that should help.

    Let me know if any of this doesn't make sense, and I'll be happy to walk through this in more detail. I'm eager to make this as easy-to-use and intuitive as possible, and clearly this is failing here.

  3. Adam Winer

    Absent further questions from the user, closing this up. I think things have been improved a bit in the UI since then.

    Jim, please feel free to re-open.

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