More quick numbers in Browse by location

Issue #218 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

User requests some additional info in Browse by location, to make identifying species totals easier:

i) How many birds from the Papua New Guinea checklist I have seen in total (either inside or outside of PNG). This is just the number for the country minus the number of lifers (802-291= 512). I could work it out in my head but it’d be nice to be able to quickly see it there. ii) How many of the endemics I have seen. Unless I have missed something, the only way to work this out is to count them up myself. So the text might look something like this: Total Species 317 (including 42 endemics) from 802 species (107 endemic) (512 seen anywhere, 291 Lifers)

Comments (2)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    Implemented the seen-endemic count part of this.

    I think I'm going to pass on the first half, since it is a matter of simple arithmetic, whereas the endemic count is not, and that screen is pretty busy as is.

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