Provide better answer for missing IOC->eBird/Clements taxonomic mappings

Issue #268 new
Adam Winer created an issue

So: - IOC treats Barn Owl's affinis subspecies as a junior synonym of poensis - eBird/Clements treats these as not just separate taxa, but separate groups. - So an IOC user entering "poensis" gets eBird exports claiming Barn Owl (Bioko), which is nonsensical unless you're actually on Bioko I.

First question is how widespread this is: how many Clements groups are left altogether unmapped? Of those, how many fall into this particular bucket (where a widespread form is left unmapped in favor of a highly localized form)?

Depending on the answer, more-or-less devious answers would be necessary.

A perfect answer would magically treat Equatorial Guinea records of Barn Owl as Barn Owl (Bioko) and all others as Barn Owl (African), though is even that right for mainland Equatorial Guinea?

An imperfect (but better than status quo) answer would just say "eh, map IOC poensis to eBird affinis" and just be done with it, since that'll be correct far more often.

Comments (2)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    So, a summary: there's 9 such issues. "Bioko" vs. "African" Barn Owl is by far the most conspicuous (not shocking since it was the first one found).

    Red-tailed Hawk in Bahamas and Cuba would be reported as "umbrinus" instead of "solitudinis"

    Common Buzzard in the Azores would be reported as "Canary Islands", not "Azores"

    Dark-winged Trumpeter between Xingu and Tocantins would be reported as "Dusky-backed" instead of Xingu

    Barn Owl in most of Africa would be reported as "Bioko" instead of "African"

    Peregrine Falcon in sw Australia would be reported as "Australian" instead of "Buff-fronted"

    Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner from se Guatemala to Honduras classified as "hypophaeus" (or "Mexican"?) not amusos

    Bluethroat in n Spain would be "White-spotted" not "Iberian"

    Moorland Chat in n Kenya and e Uganda would be "Mt Kenya" instead of "Rudolf's"

    Red Crossbill in the sw Crimean Peninsula would be "Cyprus" not "Crimean"

  2. Adam Winer reporter

    With commit 8f4d2ed, IOC's "poensis" Barn Owl is going to be treated as Barn Owl (African). That'll be wrong for Bioko Island, but that's one heck of a lot less issues.

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