Show clearer names for counties in sightings lists

Issue #269 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

Something like "San Diego" is confusing because it could be a city or a county. When showing a sighting assigned to a county, Scythebill should show "San Diego (County)".

Comments (3)

  1. Geoff Rogers

    There are two listings for many counties but not all, e.g. San Bernardino (County) and San Bernardino Co (County). If one highlights the latter type --San Bernardino Co (County)-- then Edit, Delete, and New keys are activated. If one highlights the other --San Bernardino (County)-- only the New key is activated. Please comment on the purpose of listing some counties in two ways and others in one.

  2. Adam Winer reporter

    "San Bernardino Co" is your entry, not Scythebill's built-in location. It got added during the Avisys import.

    Scythebill 12.9.0 improved this; entries like "San Bernadino Co" are now automatically merged into the built-in "San Bernadino". That doesn't help people that imported prior to 12.9, though.

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