Use current location and past records to pick groups/subspecies

Issue #28 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

Original issue 28 created by adam_winer on 2011-01-20T16:43:42.000Z:

If most sightings of a species at a given location have been assigned to a particular group or subspecies, that's a pretty clear hint that this is the expected, default choice.

Possibilities for taking advantage of this: - add an opt-in preference to guess at subspecies/groups in this way automatically. There is the possibility of harm - e.g., entering subspecies where the sighting wasn't definite enough to do so. - Add entries to the species indexer, e.g., so when there is one predominant group/subspecies, instead of just seeing "Fox Sparrow", you'd see: Fox Sparrow Fox Sparrow (Sooty) Fox Sparrow (Slate-colored) ... for a hypothetical location where Sooty is seen quite frequently, Slate-colored less so, and other groups/subspecies not frequently enough to make the grade.

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