California Condor Utah Checklist

Issue #296 resolved
Former user created an issue

Currently Carol and I are in Utah visiting Zion NP. Yesterday (9/12/16) we observed a nearly grown condor chick (dame 409, sire 337) perched on it's nest (cavity in a wall) across from the Human History Museum. Then again today, we observed 8 condors lifting off from a roost site along the Kolob Terrace Road. magnificent birds! When we entered the sightings into Scythebill, the notation "Checklist!" appeared. Then running "Verify against checklists..." Utah popped up as a "locations are missing species that you've recorded" error. I checked both ABA and Utah Checklist Committee lists and condors appear on both. Was wondering if this is something needing updating in Scythebill?

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