Error before entering a first species in an extended taxonomy

Issue #327 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

This is the error I get when importing the attached file, and going straight into “Enter Sightings”, once you get to the Enter Species screen.

Could not get taxon for "spNeotiden" java.lang.NullPointerException: Could not get taxon for "spNeotiden" at .model.sighting.SightingTaxons$SingleSightingTaxon.resolveInternal( at .model.taxa.TaxonomyImpl.resolveInto( at .model.sighting.SightingTaxons$SingleSightingTaxon.resolve( at .model.checklist.ClementsChecklist.createTaxaMap( at .model.checklist.ClementsChecklist.getTaxaMap( at .model.checklist.ClementsChecklist.getTaxa( at .ui.util.LocationScorer.addSightingsSimulatingChecklist( at .ui.util.LocationScorer.createChecklistReports( at .ui.util.LocationScorer.newScorer( at .ui.panels.SingleLocationSpeciesListPanel.startScoringLocations( at .ui.panels.SingleLocationSpeciesListPanel.shown( at .ui.panels.WizardPanelBase$

Comments (2)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    Only reproduces when you import from a .csv; doesn't appear to trigger if you import from a .btxm.

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