
Issue #351 on hold
Vocifer created an issue

When downloading lists from November and December 2017 into Scythebill from Birdlasser, the dates are all changed to January 2017. How do I fix this?

Comments (9)

  1. Vocifer reporter

    Hi Adam, I have already globally changed the dates for the files which had the wrong dates but I am attaching a copy of the file. I have also upgraded to the newest version, however I have lost some species. I have had a look at the latest downloads I did from Birdlasser, but all my lifers are from those trips are there. I lost 2 species on my Southern Africa list and 3 on my world list. I downloaded these checklists from Birdlasser again, but, after initially missing 4 species, 2 are still missing I also attach the file

    How can I know which birds are missing from the previous "save" I did not close the application while downloading and received a message that there might be problems with the download. Regards Eugene Shakawe - failed

  2. Vocifer reporter

    Further to the abovementioned problem. It does not look like any of my newer lifers are gone. Could there be some birds that where "taken away" or lumped that is not listed in the update? Eugene

  3. Adam Winer

    I tested the first couple of csv files; they import correctly as November 2017, not January. Are you still experiencing this problem on the latest version of Scythebill? It's also possible that BirdLasser had a brief glitch in their CSV exports and didn't extract dates correctly. At any rate, I don't see a current issue with dates.

    Sightings should never disappear (though if you're doing something like storing your sightings on a shared DropBox folder and opening from multiple machines at the same time, you might encounter problems). The only thing that comes to mind is sightings turning into "spuhs" because of taxonomic changes. You could investigate that with:

    -- Adam

  4. Vocifer reporter

    Hi Adam, Thank you for your prompt replies. I fixed the date download problem via Bulk Edit. If it happens agin I will be in touch. My other problem concerned "missing" birds. Before the upgrade to the new version, my Southern Africa list (South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia) was on 810. After the download, the number was 806. I repeated the latest Birdlasser download, sans duplicates, and the updated number was 808. I collated with another spreadsheet and no bird were "lost". However, the problem I picked up is that Scythebill erred in the calculation of the totals. As said, all the birds are listed, but the totals are wrong. Attached is the latest spreadsheet version of this list called "report South Africa-Mozambique" (808)

    I identified 2 errors: 1. On page 8, under Barn Owls - 1/20, I actually have 2 birds instead of 1 - Western Barn owl and African Grass Owl 2. Page 17, Chats, Old World Flycatchers - 44/236, I actually have 45 birds instead of 44 noted, )NOT counting the Spotted/Mediterranean Flycatcher, which is listed as spp)

    How do I fix this? Let me know if you need more info or files

    Regards Eugene

  5. Vocifer reporter

    I looked at Barn Owls and when removing Western Barn owl and the reentering it solved the problem of 1 species, however, I have not saved the changes. Want to see what your response is Eugene

  6. Adam Winer

    Didn't see any attachments, not sure why... any chance you could email me the .bsxm file before saving? I'm not sure how this happened.

  7. Adam Winer

    Putting on hold; never got a CSV from the user (attachments didn't work), and I haven't heard issues from other BirdLasser users in the years since this.

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