Improve Avisys (and BirdBase) imports for some locations

Issue #371 new
Adam Winer created an issue

From the manual:

"Avisys’s location lists in general did not supply a full, modern set of locations, so Scythebill’s taken a few necessary liberties:

“Leeward Islands” sightings are all saved in Montserrat. You may need to move some to Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, or Anguilla. “New Guinea” sightings are all saved in Papua New Guinea; some may more properly belong to the Papua state of Indonesia. “Bismarcks” sightings are all saved to the state of West New Britain in Papua New Guinea; these could belong to East New Britain or New Ireland. “Java and Bali” sightings are added to the “Jawa” province of Indonesia. Bali sightings will need to be moved to Nusa Tenggara. “Timor” sightings are saved in the country of East Timor; some may belong to the Nusa Tenggara state of Indonesia. “Lesser Sundas” sightings are all assigned to Nusa Tenggara, though some of the islands in this chain - Wetar, in particular - should be in Maluku. Malaysian Borneo sightings are added to the Malaysian state of Sabah, though they might belong in Sarawak. “Yugoslavia” sightings will all be saved in Serbia. You may need to move sightings to Montenegro or Kosovo. “Palau” sightings include sightings from the Caroline Islands in Micronesia. “Saint Helena” sightings include sightings from the Ascension Islands. “Neotropical” sightings are added to South America, though they could be Central America. (Sightings ascribed to a country? Not a problem.)"

It would be rather nice if, for at least some of these, if Scythebill followed the following algorithm:

(A) Remember a set of sightings (by VisitInfoKey, I guess) that are ambiguously located (B) After import, look through the sightings, and see if any are: - Not possible in the assigned country, per checklists - Possible in an alternative country (C) Move the whole set of sightings to the alternative location

This'd save a fair bit of effort for users.

Comments (1)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    The "fun" thing is going to be deciding what to do for adjacent visits that aren't obviously wrong for any particular location. I don't want to make it so magical that it produces bizarre undiagnosable output - only "pretty likely to be right" magic.

    Simplest thing I can imagine is that for each VisitInfoKey, you have two options: - Clearly in the correct location - Clearly in a different location - Shrug?

    BTW, for Leeward Islands, this gets even harder, since there's four possible islands, so the algorithm would need more work. (Only Montserrat and Antigua and Barbuda have any endemics, though.)

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