Support custom taxonomy checklists

Issue #393 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

Can't remember exactly why I didn't allow custom checklists for custom taxonomies. It doesn't seem that hard for most of the UI. But the major questions (which intersect each other) would be around:

  • Where to store said checklists in the .bsxm file (as checklists or inside the taxonomy?)
  • What to put in the custom checklists so that they export and import cleanly as .csv files?
  • How to handle taxonomy upgrade?
  • Should they come along with .btxm files? Seems at least somewhat elegant, since it lets custom taxonomies approach the state of built-in taxonomies (coming with a bunch of checklists).

Comments (1)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    This happened some time ago. Not so much custom checklists, but built-in-to-the-custom-taxonomy. Which seems entirely sufficient.

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