Close spellings are treacherous for little gain in eBird/Clements

Issue #399 new
Adam Winer created an issue

If your eBird and Scythebill common name preferences are misaligned, Scythebill's close-spelling detection can creep in, leading to some hilariously awful results (White Heron -> White Tern!)

Some ideas: - For eBird, disable close-spelling detection altogether - For eBird, if names don't seem to found (other than "sp."? try to iterate through all the other international settings and see if one makes sense, then prompt the user to switch.) - In general, scan for all close-spelling differences in group names (Heron<->Tern, Warbler<->Babbler), and explicitly disable close-spelling detection for those. (Ideally, do so across all languages, not just English). - Reject "close-spelling" names altogether if they generate ludicrous range errors? (Not sure about this ... I suspect that group name detection is a better fix.)

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