Scythebill imports should resolve duplicates against current taxonomy, not base

Issue #406 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

The scenario: - Enter, in the Clements taxonomy, Anas crecca crecca. This is the crecca subsp. within the crecca group. - Export in the IOC taxonomy (with or without subspecies). This gets exported as the monotypic Eurasian Teal, so no subspecies. - Import the same sighting back in the IOC taxonomy.

This is not considered a duplicate, because: - Eurasian Teal imports to the eBird/Clements "Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)" group, since it's monotypic. - Whereas the original eBird/Clements sighting is for the crecca subspecies thereof, to distinguish from ssp. nimia.

The fix should be that we detect duplicates by using not the raw sighting taxon, but the mapped sighting taxon, so that these get detected as duplicates. Slower, but more accurate.

Comments (2)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    (Why bother? It's a Bad Thing if an export/re-import cycle produces undetected duplicates.)

  2. Adam Winer reporter

    Resolve issue #406: Scythebill imports should resolve duplicates against current taxonomy, not base

    Fixes cases where Scythebill would accidentally create "duplicates" that look different in Clements/eBird, but are exactly the same in IOC (and the user is exporting/importing via IOC).

    → <<cset 096fbd07d3c6>>

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