Improvements to Enter Sightings information pane

Issue #418 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

A user notes:

  1. There seems to be an inconsistency in the presentation of species information: when subspecies is not specified, both common name and scientific name are provided, but when subspecies is specified, the common name generally disappears. There are exceptions, e.g. for Lesser Black-backed Gull subspecies graellsii, the common name is present and rendered as Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsii). This seems to be because the subspecies is explicitly named in this way in the internal species catalogue (inferred from the pull-down list of subspecies). It would be great if this could be adopted as the default approach, i.e. when no explicit common subspecies name exists in the catalogue, the information pane provides the common species name followed by parentheses containing the last part of the scientific trinomial. That way, there would always be a common name in the information pane.

  2. In eBird/Clements mode, the IOC name (when it differs) comprises the common name, the abbreviated scientific name in brackets, then the full scientific name. The abbreviated scientific name in brackets always seems to duplicate in less detail the one that follows so appears redundant. I suggest removing the abbreviated scientific name in brackets.

  3. The information pane holds no information on higher taxonomic classification, yet Family is obviously known because it appears in reports. The section of the manual relating to extended taxonomies suggests that Order is likely known for birds as well. Would it be possible to add the information on Family (and Order, if available) into the information pane?

Comments (1)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    Resolve Issue #418: Improvements to Enter Sightings information pane

    Implemented items 1 and 2: consistently showing the common name, and eliminating redundant subspecies names. Did not include the family/order, which seems excessively busy and not obviously useful for many.

    → <<cset ca70d48b2e27>>

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