Add families report

Issue #425 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

A user request:

If you do plan on including this reporting ability, here are some ideas for features based on the list I generated using another birding software package:

  • Family
  • Family Description
  • Species in Family
  • Species Seen (in family)
  • Swept (all species in the family seen)
  • Best Found (For families not seen, best place to go)

The first three bullets are basic, using data from the core app. The fourth would come from the life list (not sure how easy that would be for you, but it is very useful data). The fifth is simple math and logic, the sixth may not be practical but I threw it in anyway.

At the end of the report, the following statistics would be useful in a summary:

  • Total Families
  • Families Seen
  • Families Left
  • Monotypic Families (I get into discussions with others about this occasionally as it is an interesting and ever-expanding number)
  • Monotypic Families Seen (Not a critical piece of data, but useful)
  • Families Swept (I have had a few big listers tell me how many families they have swept. It was an interesting statistic.)

Comments (1)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    Largely implemented. Don't have "Best Found For", or "Monotypic" anything... but there's sort-by orders that will make it fairly easy to find all of this information (e.g., you can sort by "greatest fraction seen", which lets you easily see a list of all the families you've swept - I've swept 48 of them!)

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