Starred photos

Issue #427 resolved
drewbenn created an issue

I’ve been into wildlife photography for many years, and only recently got into birding. I've been adding all my old bird photographs into Scythebill, which means I often have multiple photographs for a single bird and/or bird-visit combination. It would be really nice if I could "star" (or “favorite” or “like” or whatever terminology you prefer) the best photo(s) from a visit. Then I’d like to be able to run a report on starred photos, grouped or sorted by species, so I could quickly find the best photos of a species; and even un-star the ones that are no longer the best because I've taken newer and better pictures.

Comments (6)

  1. drewbenn reporter

    I took a shot at adding it. It’s pretty raw, it “works for me” but this is more checking to see if I’m on the right track. I didn’t spend any time thinking about naming, just picked ‘favorite’ and went with it for this demo: I’m happy to spend as much time as you want discussing naming. The png files are as rough as the code, I can clean them up if “stars” are chosen.

    My memorized “photographed” report causes a couple exceptions on the console but still works. I don’t use Users (which also uses ChipsTextPanel) so I’m not sure if that’s affected by this. Plenty of additional questions in the code.

    I tried to push a branch with git and it didn’t work (I didn’t really expect it to) so I’m attaching a .patch file instead.

  2. Adam Winer

    This moment does deserve a bit of note: after 9 years as an open-source project, this is the very first time any user has offered a code contribution of any sort! I’ll have a look.

  3. drewbenn reporter

    I’m honored! (and a little sad)

    For what it’s worth, it was a lot easier than I expected to find what I was looking and make the changes.

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