Beg users to enable backups

Issue #431 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

Occasionally, I get a frantic request from a user who’s unable to find their files (and has perhaps accidentally overwritten or deleted them). If they haven’t actually enabled backups, there’s rather little I can do for them. Which is sad.

I think that users who (A) have a more than trivial quantity of data in their file and (B ) have not enabled backups should get a message (when they open Scythebill) imploring them to enable backups - and, preferably, if they click OK, they immediately get a dialog to choose a backup directory, set the backup period to monthly, and run an immediate backup.

I’d probably associate it with a couple of preference fields (“number of times asked” and “last time asked”) so I could later have further “oh for pete’s sake, why haven’t you enabled backups?” messages, though someone who really does have a good backup strategy for all of their data doesn’t necessarily need it, and this might just be an annoyance.

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