Improve trip report itinerary sorting for repeated locations

Issue #436 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

Specifically, if you have:

Day X: Famous Park
Day X + 1: Famous Park
Day X + 2: Famous Park

… then replace it with:

Day X - X+2: Famous Park

Also, when you have:

Day X: Famous Park
Day X: Somewhere
Day X+1: Famous Park

… because there’s no start times, just dates (which is common), then it’d be good to recognize this and flip the ordering:

Day X: Somewhere
Day X: Famous Park
Day X+1: Famous Park

… and then apply the merging above.

Comments (2)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    Resolve Issue #436: Improve trip report itinerary sorting for repeated locations Trip reports are now a bit smarter about sorting time-less visits to order based on locations in adjacent dates. And will merge adjacent visits to the same location on a single itinerary row.

    Plus, shows end time now when duration is available.

    → <<cset ca017964b5ee>>

  2. Adam Winer reporter

    One note: needed to not merge adjacent dates on the itinerary when visits have comments.

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