Add full export-to-CSV

Issue #46 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

Original issue 46 created by adam_winer on 2012-08-06T07:25:11.000Z:

Scythebill offers an export-to-EBird format, but it's lossy (no subspecies info, some flags get dropped, etc.). There should be an export that gets one's entire set of sightings out, into CSV format, with no dropped data at all.

Comments (2)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    Comment #1 originally posted by adam_winer on 2013-01-15T01:22:19.000Z:

    Raising priority. This is absolutely necessary functionality.

  2. Adam Winer reporter

    Comment #2 originally posted by adam_winer on 2013-01-16T05:58:01.000Z:

    Implemented in revision 311 for version 9.0.3.

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