First field in saved reports gets overwritten to "And"

Issue #486 resolved
drewbenn created an issue

I wanted to make a report to show which birds I haven't seen yet this year, but have seen in previous years (the purpose is to get a list of common birds I haven’t recorded yet this year that should be easy to find if I go looking for them, so I also set some "Or" fields for the local Locations, but that isn't necessary to replicate this issue).

Replication instructions:

  • from the main menu, select Show reports
  • if there is more than one line, 'minus' them all until there is only one line
  • press the 'plus' button once
  • set the first line to: Never, Date, is during, 2020
  • set the second line to: And, Date, is before, 2020
  • see that the report shows all birds you have seen in past years but have not yet seen this year
  • Remember... and pick a name
  • Return to Main Menu
  • click on the saved report, and see that the "Never" is changed to "And" (and in this example, no results are shown because the report has become a && !a)

Fails in a similar fashion if the first report is "Or." Any line other than the first line can be “Or” or “Never” without issue.
Tested on Linux (Debian stable, KDE) with 14.7.5 and 14.8.3.

Workaround: change the order of the lines so the first field is "And."

Comments (3)

  1. Adam Winer

    Nice find! Don’t even have to remember the report - just return to main menu, and back to Show reports, and the “Never” is gone.

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