Export to Scythebill CSV includes birds not shown in the report

Issue #488 resolved
drewbenn created an issue

I found that one of my reports (to list species I’ve seen locally in the past but not this year) is exporting additional entries when I export to Scythebill CSV. Exports to spreadsheet and trip report work correctly. I cut down my bsxm file to just 3 sightings and still replicated it: that bsxm file and exported csv file are attached.

To replicate: open the bsxm file, click the report on the main screen titled “bug” (it says there will be 0 species, but one species will be displayed when you open the report: Swan Goose - domestic). Go to the “Export sightings…” drop-down and select “…to Scythebill CSV”. “Save” and then view the exported file, and there will be 2 birds listed: the Swan Goose (Domestic type) shown in the report, plus the bird that is (correctly) not shown in the report: Tundra Swan.

I expected the csv file to only show one line, for the Swan Goose (Domestic type) sighting. Exporting to spreadsheet (with “Only countable sightings” unchecked) or trip report correctly list only the Swan Goose sighting.

Scythebill 14.8.3 on Debian oldstable (KDE).

Comments (1)

  1. Adam Winer

    Resolve Issue #488: Export to Scythebill CSV includes birds not shown in the report

    Stop forcing Scythebill CSV exports to subspecies level, which can make exports show different results than the reports.

    → <<cset 069960236106>>

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