Exception clicking a browser size handle

Issue #505 new
Adam Winer created an issue

User report: was clicking on a location (“where?” box) in order to see it in green and then to copy it.
I might have clicked twice.

com.scythebill.birdlist.ui.components.browser.SizeConstrainedPanel cannot be cast to java.desktop/javax.swing.JList
java.lang.ClassCastException: .ui.components.browser.SizeConstrainedPanel cannot be cast to java.desktop/javax.swing.JList
        at .ui.components.browser.JBrowser.getColumnList(JBrowser.java:1127)
        at .ui.components.browser.JBrowser.getColumnWidth(JBrowser.java:856)
        at .ui.components.browser.JBrowser$SizeHandle.mousePressed(JBrowser.java:2001)
        at java.desktop/java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Component.java:6586)

Comments (1)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    Further clarification:

    “It was inside Browse by species.

    I was allocating subspecies info to the sightings.

    I had another message when I doubleclicked on the 2 small bars to broaden a column.

    I then restarted the program and no more problems.”

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