Number and status not displaying for birds in existing record with extended taxonomy

Issue #531 resolved
Nicholas Aebischer created an issue

Background: Scythebill 15.1.1 in Windows 10 20H1, with extended taxonomies “Butterflies of Europe, 2019” and “European Dragonflies and Damselflies”.

To recreate the issue:

  1. Enter a visit, first adding birds using IOC taxonomy, then switch to butterfly taxonomy and add butterflies. Include numbers for both lists, and status / heard only for birds; save with “Done” button.
  2. Return to main menu, go to “Browse by location”, enter location of entered record, select it (click on date), click “Edit sightings” button. It opens with the butterfly taxonomy, and shows a complete listing.
  3. Change taxonomy to IOC: the bird species names are listed, but no other information is visible, i.e. the associated numbers, statuses and heard onlys are all blank! The missing information appears upon clicking on a species name, but for that species only.
  4. Curiously, at 3, instead of changing taxonomy to IOC, change to eBird/Clements: the full information is shown. However, change to IOC and it disappears again. Moreover, change back to eBird/Clements and the information is now missing.
  5. Another permutation with strange effects is, at 2, to start with eBird/Clements taxonomy (full information shown), then at 3 to change to IOC taxonomy (information missing), then change back to eBird/Clements taxonomy (information missing).
  6. Then click on the “Cancel” button to exit the data entry screen: a message appears saying “Are you sure? You’ll lose all the sightings you’ve entered so far” with OK/Cancel buttons. At this point it gets a bit scary, which is why I have rated the bug as major.

Nicholas Aebischer

NB First time I’ve dared register with Bitbucket to report an issue, hopefully this is clear, but I don’t know what happens if it isn’t and you want to get back to me.

Comments (3)

  1. Adam Winer

    Excellent repro steps - thanks! Long-standing bug. I think it was purely a display issue, and no data could be lost, but very glad to get this fixed.

  2. Nicholas Aebischer reporter

    Wow, very speedy resolution! I’m pleased that you had verything you needed in my original post, and now I know that when you respond, I get to know via email.

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