Photographed field sometimes unsets itself after adding a new species

Issue #533 resolved
drewbenn created an issue

In “Enter Sightings,” I drag photo(s) in for a species and the “Photographed” checkbox gets set. Then when I click away to a different species, sometimes (but not always) the “Photographed” checkbox for the previous species gets unset. It often (but not exclusively) seems to happen when adding another species.

For the attached screenshot, I entered Mallard and added its photo, and saw that “Photographed” was checked. Then I started typing rwbl for red-winged blackbird and pressed enter a couple times to get it added to the list, then dragged in its two photos. Then I clicked on the key for Mallard to expand it, and you can see that the “Photographed” box is now un-checked.

Scythebill 15.2.0, Java 10.0.2 on Linux (Debian 10 (stable) KDE).

Comments (3)

  1. Adam Winer

    Issue reproduced when you drag in a photo to the expanded “Drag a photo or click to add…” and then don’t make any other modifications before moving away.

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