On slow computers, abbreviations can fail altogether

Issue #570 new
Adam Winer created an issue

User reports abbreviations flakily not working, but they work when they wait for a bit before typing anything.

Seems like two problems:

1 - Scythebill should do a synchronous quick pass, blocking user input. I’d say “checklist + most recent 100 or 1000 sightings”, or something like that.

2 - It seems like if the user types anything before report scanning completes, the report scanning is ignored? This shouldn’t be the case, and might be the more important fix.

Comments (2)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    #2: did at least an obvious test of this (doing a sleep at the start of scoring), and could not reproduce a problem. So whatever’s wrong here is subtle (a thread-safety problem, perhaps?)

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