Error when showing "when and where" panel

Issue #576 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue



at .ui.components.NewWhenAndWherePanel.setWhere(

at .ui.panels.SingleLocationWhenAndWherePanel.shown(

at .ui.panels.WizardPanelBase$

Looks like somehow the wizard value’s location was non-null, but hadn’t been added? Not sure how that happened.

Comments (2)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    Ah, reproduced.

    1. Enter sightings
    2. New location name
    3. Choose a parent
    4. Immediately click back

    Been a bug for a long time!

  2. Adam Winer reporter

    Resolve Issue #576: Error when showing "when and where" panel - Specifically, an error when hitting the back button on the "New location" page after choosing a parent location

    → <<cset dd8a49ce4308>>

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