Export Data from Scythebill AND import them to Ebird

Issue #647 resolved
Bastian Mayer created an issue

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to export my data from Scythebill and import it into Ebird.
In your instructions, you link to the "ImportExport Tool from Ebird". This no longer seems to be available:
There is an import area
This asks for 2 "formats" - I'm not sure which one is output when exporting from Scythebill. But I have tried both and come across 2 different error images:

  1. eBird Checklist Format (Grid) (see screenshot 1)

  2. eBird Record Format (Extended) (see screenshot 2)

I have also attached one of my 3 .csv that come as an export from Scythebill.

Would be great if you could have a look at it.

Comments (6)

  1. Adam Winer

    I’ve fixed the documentation link to point to the new upload form URL - thanks for pointing that out. And It’s definitely the Record Format (extended).

    I still need to look into the “Observation time is required…” issue - that appears to be either a change on eBird’s side or a long-standing bug on my side, not sure which yet.

  2. Bastian Mayer reporter

    Thanks so far Adam, feel free to keep me posted on this and if you need a test(s), let me know.

  3. Adam Winer

    It would be of great help to have access to your .bsxm file - could you mail it to me at support@scythebill.com ? I’m looking at the code and somewhat hard-pressed to imagine how things could turn out this way.

  4. Adam Winer

    OK, fixed (for the next version). I'm not sure how you got into this state - Scythebill shouldn't let you enter "Stationary" or "Traveling" visits without a start time - but it'll now always generate legit output for eBird.

  5. Bastian Mayer reporter

    Hi Adam, thanks a lot at this point.
    Do you have an idea when you are going to release the new/next version?
    Many thanks in advance

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