Alternate name issues for Common Shelduck

Issue #84 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

Original issue 84 created by adam_winer on 2013-03-25T20:21:55.000Z:

Shows "Red-billed /Shelduck". Should include Eurasian Shelduck.

Comments (2)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    Comment #1 originally posted by adam_winer on 2013-03-27T05:42:01.000Z:

    Added European and Eurasian Shelduck. More fundamentally, there's a problem where a single-word name like "Shelduck" doesn't get appended in correctly. E.g., this should now display as "European/Eurasian/Red-billed Shelduck/Shelduck", but instead it displays as "European/Eurasian/Red-billed /Shelduck"; so leaving open.

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