New qualifying mode

Issue #109 new
René Smit repo owner created an issue

René, would it be possible to use the "laps allowed" value in GPxSet to simulate modern qualifying? GPxPatch could determine 3 points during the session (e.g. at 1/3 time, 2/3 time and then obviously the end of the session). At 1/3 and 2/3 of the total time elapsed, GPxPatch could set the number of laps remaining for all cars on track to, say, 2, as they cross the line, which would allow them to complete one more lap and then return to the pits.

Once every car is back in the pits (I think GPxPatch can detect this as well) the top 16 (after Q1) or 10 (after Q2) runners would have their laps remaining reset to the original total, so they could leave the pits again.

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