Tyre textures - McLaren prefix

Issue #152 resolved
Former user created an issue

Since the latest version teams using the McLaren wheel texture have white treads. This affect mainly older mods which don't use the new feature allowing car specific tread and wheel textures. There's no problem as long as the variable "2" isn't used in the [Tyres] section, but as soon as it is in use the respective team has white treads.

See the screenshot in this post for example: http://www.grandprixgames.org/read.php?4,1052359,1080634#msg-1080634

Team #00 (McLaren) has the tyres set to 2 in the [Tyres] section of the perf file.

Current workaround I'm using is to disable the PatchTextures feature in the PerfManager in gpxset.ini

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