Driver specific braking range

Issue #201 resolved
René Smit repo owner created an issue

Current driver ability and variation in performance file determines the grip at the start of a session. A track file has an aggression range, which is actually the braking range. However, this is one range for all cars. It would be interesting to apply a car specific braking range that can be specified in a performance file.

Comments (2)

  1. René Smit reporter

    Original request by Noog:,1124827

    Is it possible to assign an individual aggression/personality rating to individual CC drivers?

    In real-world F1 racing (all racing really), some drivers develop a reputation for consistency. They might not be the fastest or bravest driver on the circuit but they can usually relied upon to bring the car home (and as a result of their invariably gentler treatment of their cars), they tend to have fewer mechanical failures also. There have been many examples of drivers like this over the years and I think of them as 'workhorses'.

    At the other end of the scale, there are drivers who tend to develop a reputation for being unusually quick and courageous. They are great to watch, but their aggressive personality only pays off some of the time, because they are harder on their cars and are more likely to spin off and/or crash into something. This type of driver is more like a 'stallion'.

    That these two extremes exist is one of the reasons we love racing. It is why a race is more than just a simple mathematical expression; there are human emotions at play too.

    We can use performance files to reflect the outcomes of having one of the personality types above in the results of the race (by varying qual range, race range and failure probability), but is there a better way to replicate it on the track, in terms of actual driver race behavior?

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