
SeanB Express the time roughly (e.g. About 5 minutes ago)

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Revised by SeanB fc1ff5e
Define timeago_justnow for "Just now"
Define timeago_lessthan for "Less than %1 %2"
Define timeago_halfminute for "Half a minute"
Define timeago_lessthan_minute for "Less than a minute"
Define timeago_about_1hour for "About 1 hour"
Define timeago_long_ago for "A long time ago"
Define timeago_future for "A long time in the future"

Function Pluralize Global Integer iCount String sUnit Returns String 
    If (iCount=1) Function_Return ((String(iCount))+" "+sUnit) 
    Else Function_Return ((String(iCount))+" "+sUnit+"s")

Function TimeSpanInWords Global TimeSpan tsDescribe Returns String 
    Integer iTotalSeconds
    Integer iTotalMinutes 
    Integer iTotalHours
    Integer iTotalDays
    TimeSpan ts30Secs 
    String sReturn 
    Integer iMonths 
    DateTime dtTemp
    Integer iYears 
    Move (SpanTotalSeconds(tsDescribe)) to iTotalSeconds
    If (iTotalSeconds<60) Begin 
        If (iTotalSeconds<=2) Function_Return timeago_justnow
        If (iTotalSeconds<5) Function_Return (SFormat(timeago_lessthan,5,"seconds"))
        If (iTotalSeconds<10) Function_Return (SFormat(timeago_lessthan,10,"seconds"))
        If (iTotalSeconds<20) Function_Return (SFormat(timeago_lessthan,20,"seconds"))
        If (iTotalSeconds<40) Function_Return timeago_halfminute
        If (iTotalSeconds<60) Function_Return timeago_lessthan_minute
    Move (SpanTotalDays(tsDescribe)) to iTotalDays
    If (iTotalDays<1) Begin 
        Move (SpanTotalMinutes(tsDescribe)) to iTotalMinutes 
        Move (DateGetSecond(tsDescribe)) to iSeconds
        If (iSeconds>50) Move (iTotalMinutes +1) to iTotalMinutes 

        If (iTotalMinutes<48) Function_Return ("About "+(Pluralize( iTotalMinutes, "minute")))
        If (iTotalMinutes<90) Function_Return "About an hour"
        Move ((iTotalMinutes+30)/60) to iTotalHours
        Function_Return ("About "+(Pluralize( iTotalHours, "hour")))
    If ((SpanHours(tsDescribe))>14) Move (iTotalDays+1) to iTotalDays
    Move ((iTotalDays+10)/30) to iMonths 
    If (iMonths < 1) Begin 
        Function_Return ("About "+(Pluralize( iTotalDays, "day")))
    Move (SpanTotalDays(tsDescribe)) to iTotalDays

    Move (CurrentDateTime()) to dtTemp
    Move (DateSetDay(dtTemp,01)) to dtTemp
    Move (DateSetMonth(dtTemp,01)) to dtTemp
    Move (iYears-(DateGetYear(dtTemp))) to iYears 
    Move ((Date(dtTemp))+iTotalDays) to dtTemp
    Move (iYears+(DateGetYear(dtTemp))) to iYears 
    Move (DateGetMonth(dtTemp)) to iMonths 
    If ((DateGetDay(dtTemp)) > 17) Move (iMonths+1) to iMonths
    Move (iMonths-1) to iMonths 

    Move (iYears+(iMonths/12)) to iYears 
    Move (Mod(iMonths,12)) to iMonths 
    If (iYears=0) Function_Return ("About "+(Pluralize( iMonths, "month")))
    Move ("About "+(Pluralize( iYears, "year"))) to sReturn
    If (iMonths>2) Append sReturn " and " iMonths " months"
    Function_Return sReturn 

Function TimeBetweenInWords  Global DateTime dtFrom DateTime dtUpto Returns String 
    TimeSpan tsDiff 
    DateTime dtTmp
    If (dtFrom > dtUpto) Begin 
        Move dtFrom to dtTmp
        Move dtUpto to dtFrom 
        Move dtTmp to dtUpto 
    If ((Date(dtFrom)) = "") Function_Return ""
    If ((Date(dtUpto)) = "") Function_Return ""
    If ((DateGetYear(dtFrom)) = 1753) Function_Return ""
    If ((DateGetYear(dtUpto)) = 1753) Function_Return ""
    Move (dtUpto-dtFrom) to tsDiff 

    Function_Return (TimeSpanInWords(tsDiff))

Function TimeAgo_WithPassedNow Global DateTime dtNow DateTime dtCompare Returns String 
    String sReturn 
    String sDirection
    If (dtCompare > dtNow) Move "from now" to sDirection 
    Else Move "ago" to sDirection 
    If ((Date(dtCompare)) = "") Function_Return ""
    If ((DateGetYear(dtCompare)) = 1753) Function_Return ""
    If ((DateGetYear(dtCompare)) < 1801) Function_Return timeago_long_ago
    If ((DateGetYear(dtCompare)) > 2100) Function_Return timeago_future
    Move (TimeBetweenInWords(dtCompare, dtNow )) to sReturn 
    If (sReturn<>timeago_justnow) Move (sReturn + " " + sDirection) to sReturn 
    Function_Return sReturn 

Function TimeAgo Global DateTime dtCompare Returns String 
    DateTime dtNow 
    Move (CurrentDateTime()) to dtNow 
    Function_Return (TimeAgo_WithPassedNow(dtNow,dtCompare))

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