Enabling other filetypes

Issue #5 resolved
Sam Skillman created an issue

Other file types that I would need to be enabled: '.dat', '.tar', '.tar.gz'. In general it would be really nice to have arbitrary file extensions.

Comments (7)

  1. Sam Skillman reporter

    Wonderful, also just thought of .webm for movies, which I have found to be super nice for viewing in Chrome. Thanks!

  2. Amit Chourasia

    webm will be nice to add, however they are not supported on all devices and browsers currently, which creates a big problem.

    We do lot of processing and create several resolution movies (6 movies + original) in mp4 format currently, this adds good chunk of storage, doing this the same with webm will double our storage costs, so keeping it simple for now.

  3. Amit Chourasia

    '.dat', '.tar', '.tar.gz' and zip are now supported for file field. Arbitrary extensions will be supported later

    webm format is now supported for video filed

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