Better Error Handling for many-file uploads

Issue #6 resolved
Sam Skillman created an issue

I attempted to upload about 30 files at once. The error handling is not very clear, as it just responds with something like this:

" -v 'DEBUG' -up ID -sd 'my images' -so -sp my_dir"

ERROR : Failed to update collection id ID Error message not recieved from server 2014-09-11 14:40:10,524 Deleting SeedMe Object <main.SeedMe object at 0x7ff846ad6710>

Through trial and error I found that you can upload somewhere around 20 items at a time I guess.

Comments (2)

  1. Amit Chourasia

    Sam, The python module should upload arbitrary number of files in chunks of 20 files per POST. So you don't need to to worry about this.

    On backend I see some errors that indicate very long file names. Can you send your exact command line to me by email.

  2. Amit Chourasia

    File name is limited to 128 chars, when are file with larger filename is updated a descriptive error message is returned by web services

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