Pagination Bug or...

Issue #10 resolved
Jerry domm created an issue

Hi Blazej Adamczyk...

I have a problem with pagination:

When i set products per page in pyro settings, dont show all products... example:

I have 70 products in one category, if i set 25 per page, the pagination only show 50 in 2 pages( 25/25), the last 20 are not shown... If i set 10 per page only show 40 in 4 paginations pages (10/10/10/10). If i set 50 or 100 per page only show 31 in one page....

pyroStore 1.6/ pyrocms 2.2

can you help me , please?


Comments (5)

  1. Błażej Adamczyk repo owner

    Well, that's weird. I know that there was few upgrades on pagination in 2.2. I will try to focus on import products module, so you could upgrade from 1.6 to 1.7. Maybe try to upgrade also pyrocms to 2.2.1. It would be better if keep on upgrading your apps because there is a reason why they are upgraded.

  2. Jerry domm reporter

    Hi Blazej Adamczyk, I updated parycms to 2.2.1, and dont fix the problem, if I update store 1.6 to 1.7, will I lose my data?

  3. Błażej Adamczyk repo owner

    Unfortunately, you will. But there is solution. Grab mysql for all your products from phpmyadmin, or use from addons store import/export xml. Update store, edit file with your products, and match name of the fields with the names of the fields in database. Then try to import it. Make sure that all fields all included, even with empty/default values. Make a sandbox with fresh cms/store installation and try there, before going for production.

  4. Jerry domm reporter

    Hi Blazej Adamczyk, I've resolved it whit pagination_helper file in:


    thanks a lot...

    regards and good job!!

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