Default values on install

Issue #1 resolved
Brent Peterson created an issue

Migrating modules DB structure...

[1/19] Installing FCom_Core: 0.1.2 ... 0.1.0; ^0.1.1; ^0.1.2; [2/19] Installing FCom_Cms: 0.1.3 ... 0.1.0; SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'node_name' doesn't have a default value: REPLACE INTO fcom_cms_nav (id,id_path) VALUES (1,1)

Comments (14)

  1. Brent Peterson reporter

    I added a value to that column then moved on [1/18] Installing FCom_Cms: 0.1.3 ... *0.1.0; SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'full_name' doesn't have a default value: REPLACE INTO fcom_cms_nav (id,id_path) VALUES (1,1)

  2. Brent Peterson reporter

    ALTER TABLE sellvana.fcom_category CHANGE COLUMN sort_order sort_order INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL D

  3. Brent Peterson reporter

    Even after I put a default sort order I get the following error

    Migrating modules DB structure...

    [1/16] Installing FCom_Catalog: 0.2.16 ... *0.2.6; SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'sort_order' doesn't have a default value: REPLACE INTO fcom_category (id,id_path) VALUES (1,1)

    When I go back to look at the table it has been reverted

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